Mailing lists provide a convenient way to reach a number of people via email.
Organization Email Lists
IT Services will create mailing lists for College organizations, classes, living units, or other groups. The list name must be representative of the organization name, unoffensive, and the organization must appoint a person to manage list membership. Contact the Help Desk to request a list.
Mailing List Management
If you manage a mailing list, you can add and remove people using our new web-based list management utility. Click here to get started.
正规赌钱软件app-wide Lists
IT Services maintains a number of campus mailing lists. All campus users can send messages to these lists, but only from on campus, or through 正规赌钱软件appbmail. These lists should be used only for Wabash-related announcements that would be of interest to a large number of people in the list. Note that because of the number of messages generated, there may be considerable delay in the delivery of these messages, and we encourage you to send messages early in the morning or late at night whenever possible. Lists include: | all campus users | | current students | | all faculty and staff | | all faculty |
Help Desk:
Monday-Friday, 8am-Noon, 1pm-4:30pm
Computer Labs:
Armory Computer Lab
Open daily
Lilly Library Computer Lab and
Educational Technology Center Lab
Open regular hours
Mon-Thurs 8am-Midnight
Friday 8am-10pm
Saturday Noon-10pm
Sunday Noon-Midnight