Institutional data often needed for grant applications is listed here. If you don't see what you need, please contact us.
Organization Name: Wabash College
Organization Address:
301 W. Wabash Avenue
Crawfordsville, IN
Date Founded: 1832
Date of 501(c)(3):
Affirmed September 25, 1991
Need proof of Wabash’s 501(c)(3) status? Contact Director Matt Salzman.
Authorized Organizational Representative:
Kendra Cooks
Chief Financial Officer & Treasurer
Phone: 765-361-6212
Administrative Grants Contact:
Matt Salzman
Director of Foundations, Corporations, and Government Relations
Phone: (765) 361-6318
Federal Entity Identification Number or Tax ID Number: 35-0868202
DUNS Number: 072047376
U.S. Congressional District: IN-004
State Senate District: 23
House District: 54
Indirect Cost (F&A) Rate:
43.00% On 正规赌钱软件app (Predetermined)
18.60% Off 正规赌钱软件app (Predetermined)
Need proof of Wabash’s Indirect Cost Rate Agreement? Contact Director Matt Salzman.
Negotiated With: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Date of Agreement: February 13, 2019 (effective dates: 7/1/2019-6/30/2023)
Fringe Benefit Rate:
Faculty/Staff: 35% (salary and wage based)
Student (Summer): 7.65% (salary and wage based)
Student (Academic Year): Not Applicable