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Notices and Announcements

WORKERS COMPENSATION NOTICE: Work injuries (i.e. cut, chemical contact, sport injury during the course of work, etc.) or incidents (i.e.falling,hitting head, etc.) should be reported immediately to the Human Resource Department by completing a First Report of Injury (see below) and submitting it to the Human Resource Office as soon as possible after an injury or incident occurs. In an Emergency call 911 to be transportated to the nearest Emergency Room. For non-emergency injuries, contact Crawfordsville Family Care at 765-362-5789 for an appointment. Crawfordsville Family Care is now Wabash's direct care facilitator for all Workers Compensation claims. Unsure of what to do? Call the Director of Human Resources at ext. 6418. Please encourage your employees and fellow workers to follow this practice. Failure to follow these procedures could result in denial of Workers Compensation Claim.



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Cathy Metz
Director of Human Resources

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