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Thank you for your interest in making a gift to Wabash College. Listed here are the most common ways to make an outright gift to the College.

Cash, Check, or Credit Card

You can make your outright gift to Wabash online at, over the phone at (877) 743-4545, or through the mail to Wabash College / Annual Fund / 301 W. Wabash Ave / Crawfordsville, Indiana 47933-0352. Please make your check payable to Wabash College

Wabash Faculty/Staff Payroll Giving Form

Recurring Gifts

The recurring gift program allows you to make a meaningful gift in support of Wabash students without having a large impact on your budget. You can spread out your gift over 12 months, four quarters, or once or twice a year.

Annual contribution monthly amount
$1,000 $83.34
$500 $41.67
$250 $20.84
$100 $8.34

Stock or Security Gifts

To donate shares of stock or securities, please fill out the Stock Gift Form and either email it to Joseph Klen (, or send it to Wabash College Advancement Office, 301 W. Wabash Ave., Crawfordsville, IN, 47933. 

Securities held by you need to be accompanied by a properly signed stock power and a security release form. The forms can be obtained by contacting Rhonda Kyle at Morgan Stanley at (765) 420-8411 or (800) 343-9743 or e-mailing her at

If you have the stock listed with your brokerage account, please ask your broker to contact one of Wabash’s Gift Processing Coordinators, Kim Scanlon at (765) 361-6298 or Heather Bazzani at (765) 361-6088. The College will provide instructions for you to share with your broker to accomplish the transfer.

Note** If your stock certificate is for more shares than you want to gift, Wabash will have the certificate split, re-issuing to you the number of shares you designate.

Wire Transfer Gifts

To donate a gift via wire transfer, please fill out the Wire Transfer Form and email it to Cindy Snellenbarger (, or send it to Wabash College Advancement Office, 301 W. Wabash Ave., Crawfordsville, IN, 47933.

Note** The transfer will not be initiated until your bank or financial institution receives instruction from you to do so.

Mutual Fund Gifts

To donate shares of mutual funds, please review the Gift of Mutual Funds instructions or call (877) 743-4545 for more details on how to transfer mutual fund shares to the College.

Gifts From Your Traditional IRA

Current tax law now affords the opportunity for those who are at least 70 ½ or older to give up to $105,000 per year to Wabash through the IRA Charitable Rollover, also known as a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD).

  • QCDs will not be taxed to you as income, but they are not tax-deductible.
  • QCDs may help satisfy in part or full your annual required minimum distributions (RMDs), depending on your gift amount.
  • Contact your IRA Administrator to request a QCD to be sent directly to Wabash College and follow their procedures – supply them with Wabash’s Federal Tax ID, which is 35-0868202.
  • For more information click on Charitable Rollover FAQs or IRA Charitable Rollover Instructions.

Donor-Advised Fund

You can use a Donor-Advised Fund (DAF) to make a gift to the College. DAFs are giving vehicles established at a nonprofit organization, often through a local community foundation or by organizations such as Fidelity Charitable, Schwab Charitable, and Vanguard Charitable. Donors can make a charitable contribution, receive an immediate tax deduction, allow assets to grow, and then recommend grants to qualified charities from the fund over time. 

In order to direct a grant from your DAF to Wabash College, recommend that the sponsoring organization make a grant to Wabash College using their online portal or by contacting your advisor. If needed, the College’s Federal Tax ID is 35-0868202.

Tangible Personal Property

The College welcomes inquiries for gifts of tangible personal property. These gifts include things like works of art, rare books, or a stamp or coin collection.  Please contact (877) 743-4545 or to discuss the type of property, possible uses of your gift by Wabash, and how to get an appraisal.

Endowed Funds

正规赌钱软件app invite alumni, parents, and friends to consider establishing endowed funds at the College. Endowed funds invest a principal value to produce revenue. In turn, the revenue generated each year provides support for the purpose of the fund in perpetuity. These funds further strengthen the financial foundation of Wabash by freeing up other unrestricted funds so that those dollars may be used where the needs have gone unmet.

Endowed funds are one way to create a permanent legacy at Wabash for you, your family, or a loved one. Funds can also be named to honor or memorialize someone who has had a positive impact on your life. Some examples of Endowed Funds include:

  • Named Scholarships
  • Faculty Chairs & Professorships
  • Programs, Prizes, & Awards

Wabash License Plate Program

"Spread the fame" with a Wabash plate available through the Indiana BMV online. Each year more than 2,500 Wabash license plates are displayed by alumni and friends, providing over $60,000 in support for Wabash students.

Wabash License Plate

Here’s how the license plate process works:

  • Alumni, parents, students, and friends with vehicles registered in Indiana are eligible for Wabash license plates.
  • When requesting your Wabash plate from the BMV, indicate that you want to renew your existing plate or get a new Wabash plate. You do not need to wait until your plate renewal is due — you can purchase a new Wabash plate at any time.
  • The BMV will collect a $25 gift to Wabash and a $15 administrative fee for each plate purchased. You do not need any forms from Wabash! 

Some important notes about this process:

  • When requesting a Wabash plate from the BMV, be sure to indicate that you want the BMV to release your name and address for recognition purposes. By doing so, Wabash will issue an acknowledgment for your $25 contribution and count you as an Annual Fund donor.
  • The BMV will collect gifts of $25 for each plate you purchase. If you regularly support Wabash with gifts greater than $25, we would appreciate your continued generosity by making those gifts directly to Wabash by mail, phone, or at

Matching Gifts

Over $325,000 in additional funds were generated to Wabash last year from more than 225 matching gifts. Many companies offer programs that will match donations made to Wabash. These programs are a great way for companies to support higher education by giving you a chance to double or triple your impact on Wabash students.

Use our search tool to learn if your company offers a matching gift program.

Matching Gift and Volunteer Grant information provided by
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