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WISE/On-正规赌钱软件app Jobs

The “Wabash Internships and Student Employment” Program (commonly referred to as WISE) provides students with the opportunity to work on campus during the academic year.  All on-campus student employment positions are listed in Handshake

About WISE

  • WISE positions are open to all students to work. It is not tied to financial aid or need. WISE is about the best student being hired to do the job that needs to be done on campus.
  • All on-campus student positions are posted at the beginning of each semester; however, they may be posted at any time throughout the academic year.
  • There are on-campus student positions available in nearly every department and building on campus.
  • There are on-campus student positions available for students of all different skill levels and academic/career interests.
  • For best results, it is recommended that you prepare your resume and begin applying early and that you apply to many positions for which you think you are qualified. 

Applying to WISE Positions

To search for on-campus student jobs, please log in to Handshake using your Wabash email and password. All incoming students will receive additional information about logging in for the first time with the Student Orientation Road Map.

To set up your Handshake account we have a guide: 

All students who plan to work a WISE position must create or update their resume and weekly schedule of availability - these will be required documents needed to apply for all positions. All jobs also require a cover letter or sometimes other documents are requested, such as a weekly schedule.  You can find all of the Career Services guides for resumes, cover letters, templates, and other resources by clicking here. 

For assistance with the application process or with Handshake, contact Emily Hall at 765-361-6249,

If you have any questions about the WISE Enrollment Forms, contact Misty Cassida at t 765-361-6326,

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible to work a WISE job?
WISE positions are open to all students to work. It is not tied to financial aid or need. WISE is about the best student being hired to do the job that needs to be done on campus.

How much do WISE jobs pay, and how much can I earn in a year?
WISE jobs pay different rates, just like jobs in the real world. The pay rate is listed on each job posting.  During the academic year, students may earn up to $3,000 for domestic students and up to $4,500 for international students. These limits are very strictly enforced. 

Can I apply to more than one WISE job?
Yes! You are encouraged to do so. Just like the ‘real world’, this is a competitive hiring process, and you are not guaranteed employment. All WISE jobs attract multiple students applying for the position.

Can I upload more than one version of my resume into Handshake?
It is always better to tailor your resume to the specific position you’re applying for. When you upload different versions, be sure to save each version with a descriptive title (ex: Sports Resume, Science Resume). 正规赌钱软件app recommend that you create and edit your resume in Microsoft Word and keep this document for future use. A Word document is best for submitting your resume to Career Services for a review, too. Before you upload your resume to Handshake, "save as" a .PDF file - this will preserve all of your time spent meticulously formatting your resume and ensure that it will look great when opened on another computer!

I need resume help – what do I do?
Feel free to send us your resume – we’re happy to help:, 765-361-6414. Be sure to utilize the Resume Guide to get started. Watch your grammar and spelling.

I’ve never interviewed for a job before. What are the interviews like and how can I prepare?
The interviewers on campus are similar to interviewers everywhere else – they all have different styles and questions. Some are formal and structured while others are more like a conversation. All interviewers on campus will be interested in your availability (hours/times), your interest in the specific office and job, and your reliability and work ethic. Take a look at your resume, and think of examples (quick stories) that speak to your abilities, preparation, and interests, in addition to your work ethic and reliability. As a college student, it is perfectly acceptable to draw on your academic and extracurricular experiences, as well as work experience. Take a look at our Interview Guide to help prepare.

Can I be fired from a WISE job?
Yes. Policies vary by office, but not showing up for work, and other infractions can (and do) result in dismissal from the position. Ask your supervisor about the work rules when you begin the job, and abide by them.

If I don’t like my WISE job, can I quit?
If you have concerns, bring them up with your supervisor in advance of quitting. If you do quit, give adequate notice. And be aware that if you quit in mid-semester, there may not be many other opportunities posted at that time, and you may lose the opportunity for pay for a while because of that.

When are new WISE opportunities posted in Handshake?
They are posted year-round as openings occur, but the vast majority of opportunities are posted shortly before the fall and spring semesters and are filled quickly.


The following are links to PDF forms. These are forms that you will need to fill out and return to the Business Office in Center Hall.

These are PDF Files. Each one is fillable. This means you should download it to your computer, and you can fill it out electronically. The forms will need to be printed out and signed before submitting to the Business Office.


Worker Status Report
Students can see bi-weekly earnings reports for the position/s held.

Student Employment Guide
This outlines College policies for Student Employment.

Acknowledgment of Student Employment Guide
This form indicates that you have been provided access to the Student Employment Guide and that you have read it, and agree to abide by it.

Direct Deposit
The College only pays students via Direct Deposit into a US bank account. You will need to fill out this form before you can be paid. The College does not issue live checks for payroll.

Federal W-4
This form indicates tax withholdings for Federal Income Tax.

Indiana WH-4
This form indicates tax withholdings for Indiana Residents.

Student 正规赌钱软件appekly Schedule
This Excel file will create a weekly schedule of your available days and times to work. You are able to upload it to Handshake and include in your application. Detailed instructions are included.


Department Budget Planner
This Excel file will assist staff in calculating how many hours each student that has been hired is able to work and not exceed the department WISE budget allocation.

Worker Status Report
Supervisors can see bi-weekly student earnings reports for students they oversee.

Student Eligibility Look-Up
Supervisors can look up potential student workers to determine eligibility. 

Additional Fund Request
Use this form to make an additional budget request for WISE.

Confidentiality Agreement - Students
If you will have students working with confidential or proprietary information, this document should be used.

HIPPA Agreement - Students
If you have any student working in a clinical setting or with access to any personal healthcare or medical information, the student must fill out this form as a requirement of the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).

Student Employee of the Year
Use this form to nominate a student worker for Student Employee of the Year.  The nomination period will be announced and updated.

Student Employment Guide
Guidelines and information on academic year student employment.

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