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Tuition FAQs

Q.  When is the invoice due and where do I send payment?
A.  The invoice is due August 1 for fall semester, and December 31 for spring semester.  Payment should be sent to the Wabash College Business Office, P. O. Box 352, Crawfordsville, IN 47933.    Invoices must be paid in full in order to register for classes.

Q.  What if I want to make ‘monthly’ payments?
A.  Information on the Wabash College Payment Plan can be found here: /businessoffice/plans.

Q.  What if I want to pay by credit/debit card?
A.  You may pay online by credit/debit card, or electronic check.  正规赌钱软件app accept VISA, MasterCard, American Express, or Discover.  Click here to make an on-line payment.

Q.  If I have a credit balance, when will I be paid?
A.  Refunds of credit balances will be issued on the first day of classes.  Students should enroll in direct deposit for "Refunds, Reimbursements and Payments" on the "Banking Information" tab of Wabash Self-Service.  If your statement shows "pending financial aid" or "expected" payment plan monies, these funds are not available until after the College receives the actual payment.

Parent PLUS Loans are refunded to the parent borrower unless the parent borrower specifies that the refund should be issued to the student. Checks are mailed to parent borrower.

Q.  I think the loan amount shown on my statement is not correct. 
A.  Questions about loans should be addressed to your lender or the Financial Aid Office at (800) 718-9746.

Q.  Is my housing and meal plan included on my tuition statement?
A.  正规赌钱软件app bill all living units (including fraternities)--click here for basic charge information.  If you have questions about housing or mealplan assignments, call the Dean of Students at (765) 361-6310.

Q.  Who may access student accounts? 
A.  In order to comply with FERPA (Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act), Wabash may only provide information to students, custodial parents and interested parties students have designated as their "proxy" on Wabash Self-Service.  Student clicks on user id in the right hand corner, click "view/add person proxy". Choose from list or add additional user.

Business Office Reminders

In the near future, our credit card processor may charge up to 2.9% for credit or debit card transactions. There are no fees for electronic check transactions.

Fall tuition & fees are due on or before August 1. 
Spring tuition and fees are due on or before  December 31.

Parents and Students:  View your  TUITION INVOICE  online at:

1098T forms are available on Self-Service  - click the "tax information" tab.

1098T FAQs: Click here

International Students who have scholarships greater than Qualified tuition and fees will receive an IRS form 1042-S.  The forms are available in the Business Office after March 1.  Email for more information.

2025 mileage reimbursement rate is 70.0¢ per mile.

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