2024: Casey Kelly, “Street Fighting Men: Active Clubs and the New Rhetoric of White Nationalism”
2022: Dr. Lisa Flores, “'Crisis' at the U.S./Mexico Border?: Toward a Racial Rhetorical Perspective”
2021: Dave Tell, "Remembering Emmett Till"
2019: Jeffrey Bennett, "'Equal Dignity' Under the Law: Affective Rhetorics and Civic Belonging in the Obergefell v. Hodges Decision"
2018: Michael Butterworth, “Public Memory and Political Reconciliation at the Munich 1972 Massacre Memorial"
2017: Brenda Allen, "Ethical Communication and Diversity in 正规赌钱软件apper Education"
2016: Celeste Condit, "How Human Anger Routines Shaped 9/11"
2015: J. Michael Hogan, "The Legacy of W. Norwood Brigance in Contemporary Rhetorical Studies"
2014: Martin Caracasson, "Changing the Conversation: The Role of Colleges and Universities in Supporting Community Problem-Solving"
2013: Rob Asen, "Education and Democracy: How School Boards Use Deliberation to Build Trust"
2012: John Murphy, "The Moral Imagination of Barack Obama"
2011: J. Robert Cox, "Climate Scientists as Cassandra?: Complexity, Communication, and Democracy" Text of his Lecture. Publication granted by author.
2010 Fall: Michael Gagarin, "Law and Oratory in Classical Athens." Text of Gagarin's Lecture. Publication granted by author.
2010 Spring: John Sloop, "'It's Not Natural': Caster Semenya and the Race of Gender" Published article based on Sloop's lecture. Publication granted by author.
2009 Brigance Colloquy on Public Speaking as a Liberal Art
2009: Robert Hariman and John Louis Lucaites, "Boots and Hands: Photojournalism and Democratic Popular Culture"
2007: "Bob Dylan: Sounds of a Lonesome Traveler." Dr Larry David Smith (Ball Sate University).
2006: "Choice, Knowledge, Commitment . . . and Democracy." Dr. Josiah Ober (Stanford University).
2006: "The Indeterminate 'War on Terrorism' and America's Flirtation with 'Marital Law' Rhetorics." Dr. Marouf A. Hasian, Jr. (University of Utah).
2005: "Two Faces of Democratic Rhetoric." Dr. David Zarefsky (Northwestern University). Brigance Colloquy on Rhetoric and Democratic Citizenship.
2004: "Framing Feminism: Early Television News Coverage of the Women's Liberation Movement." Dr. Bonnie Dow (University of Georgia).
2003: "Extraordinary Events, Ordinary Coverage: When Images of the Past Shape Journalism." Barbie Zelizer (University of Pennsylvania, Annenberg School of Communication).
2002: "Copyright in Cyberspace." David Kendall (Wabash Alumnus, Attorney, Williams & Connolly).
2001: "The Purple Blossom: Robert Ingersoll and the American Baroque." Dr. James Darsey (Georgia State University).
2000: "Mother Isn't Quite Herself Today: Myth and Spectacle in Matrix." Dr. Thomas Frentz (University of Kansas) and Dr. Janice Rushing (University of Arkansas).
1999: "Why was Darwin Believed? Darwin's Origin and the Problem of Intellectual Revolution." Dr. John A. Campbell (University of Memphis).
1998: "Voice of Hope, Practicality, and Despair: The Rhetoric of Emancipation in the Ratification of the 14th Amendment." Dr. James Edward Bond (Seattle State University, Dean of the Law School).
1997: "Beginning with Burke . . ." Richard O. Ristine (Wabash Alumus, Trustee, & Former Lt. Governor of Indiana).
1996: "The Rhetorical Evolution of Lincoln's Anti-Slavery Position." Dr. David Zarefsky (Northwestern University, Dean, School of Communication).
1995: "Tragic Fear in the Rhetoric Republic: Mr. Bush vs. Saddam Hussein." Professor Dan Stid (Wabash College), Robert Schmuhl (Notre Dame), Halford Ryan (Washington & Lee), and Robert Ivie (Indiana University).
1994: "Electronic Rhetoric: Transformation of American Political Talk." Dr. Bruce E. Gronbeck (Iowa University).
1993: "Offering Good Reasons: How American Presidents Justify Military Actions." Dr. Charles J. Stewart (Purdue University).
1993: "Democracy and Television in 1992: The Double Binds Faced by Women in Leadership." Dr. Kathleen Hall Jamieson (University of Pennsylvania, Dean, Annenberg School of Communication).
1992: "Our Rhetorical Heritage." Dr. Victor M. Powell (Wabash College).
1991: "Ethnos Exhumed: Of Politicians and Pols and Polis." Dr. Robert C. Jeffrey (University of Texas, Dean, School of Communication).
1989: "The Last Mountaintop of Martin Luther King." Professor Michael Osborn (Memphis State University).
1988: "Eternal Vigilance is Still the Price of Liberty." Dr. Kassian Kovalcheck (Vanderbilt University).