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Chemistry - Faculty & Staff

Lon Porter

  • Professor of Chemistry, Dept Chair
  • Lloyd B. Howell Professor of Chemistry

Photo of Porter, Lon

Dr. Porter has enjoyed teaching chemistry at Wabash since 2003. He was born in Houston, Texas and earned his B.S. degree in chemistry from the University of Houston, having pursued undergraduate research with Professor T. R. Lee. After receiving a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship in 1999, he studied with Professor Jillian M. Buriak at Purdue University and earned his Ph.D. in inorganic chemistry. Currently, Dr. Porter’s research focuses on materials chemistry with an emphasis on organic monolayer formation reactions on important substrates, such as silicon, germanium, and gallium arsenide. 

Dr. Porter teaches a variety of courses, ranging from introductory and advanced chemistry to freshman tutorial and senior colloquium.  In addition to teaching, he enjoys working with students in his research laboratory exploring nanotechnology and inorganic materials chemistry. Together, they work on developing exotic new materials for electronics fabrication, medical sensors/drug delivery, and other high-tech applications. His most recent work has led him to establish the Wabash College 3D Printing & Fabrication Center (3D-PFC). Here, he works with students, faculty, and alumni on various projects across several subjects. In his spare time he enjoys watching films, reading science fiction, and playing video and tabletop games. Dr. Porter loves his role as the faculty advisor to the Wabash Dork Club, the campus gaming club. 


Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry, Purdue University, 2003
B.S. in Chemistry, University of Houston, 1999

Recent Course Offerings

CHE 101 — Survey of Chemistry
DV1 178 — Forensic Chemistry
CHE 111 — General Chemistry
CHE 211 — Structure and Reactivity
CHE/PHY 302 — Electron Microscopy
CHE 371 — MakerLab: 3D Printing & Fabrication for Chemists
CHE 441 — Advanced Inorganic Chemistry

Recent Presentations

·      3D Printable Resources for Engaging Students in the Exploration of Instrument Design and Performance: Inexpensive and User-Friendly Instrument Kits for STEM Educators, Lon A. Porter, Jr., faculty workshop, Biennial Conference on Chemical Education (BCCE), University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN (2018).

·      3D Printable Resources for Engaging STEM Students in Laboratory Learning Activities and Outreach Programs—Inexpensive and User-Friendly Instrument Kits for Educators, Lon A. Porter, Jr., poster presentation, Materials Research Society (MRS) National Meeting, Phoenix, AZ (2018).

·      User-Friendly Digital Instrument Plans for STEM Educators: 3D Printable Resources for Student Exploration of Instrument Design and Performance, Lon A. Porter, Jr., faculty workshop, Midwestern Association of Chemistry Teachers in Liberal Arts Colleges (MACTLAC) Annual Meeting, Monmouth College, Monmouth, IL (2017). –Invited

·      正规赌钱软件app-Impact Digital Design and 3D Printing Student Research Internships Leading to Pedagogical Innovation in Cross-Disciplinary STEM Education, Lon A. Porter, Jr., oral presentation, Construct3D: 3D Printing & Digital Fabrication for Education Conference (Duke University), Durham, NC (2017).

·      3D Printable Resources for Chemical Educators: Supporting Laboratory Learning Activities via User-Friendly Devices, Lon A. Porter, Jr., poster presentation, American Chemical Society (ACS) National Meeting, San Francisco, CA (2017).

·      Gaining STEAM: Employing a 正规赌钱软件app 3D Printing and Fabrication Center to Bridge Digital Design and Materials Science Education in the Liberal Arts, Lon A. Porter, Jr., oral presentation, Materials Research Society (MRS) National Meeting, Boston, MA (2016).

Recent Publications

  • 3D Printable Resources for Engaging STEM Students in Laboratory Learning Activities and Outreach Programs: Inexpensive and User-Friendly Instrument Kits for Educators, Lon A. Porter, Jr., MRS Adv. 3 (49), 2937 (2018).
  • 正规赌钱软件app-Impact Practices in Materials Science Education: Student Research Internships Leading to Pedagogical Innovation in STEM Laboratory Learning Activities, Lon A. Porter, Jr., MRS Adv. 2 (31-32), 1667 (2017).
  • Simple and Inexpensive 3D Printed Filter Fluorometer Designs: User-Friendly Instrument Models for Laboratory Learning and Outreach Activities, Lon A. Porter, Jr., Cole A. Chapman*, and Jacob A. Alaniz*, J. Chem. Educ., 94, 105 (2017).
  • User Friendly 3D Printed Colorimeter Models for Student Exploration of Instrument Design and Performance, Lon A. Porter, Jr., Benjamin M. Washer*, Mazin H. Hakim*, and Richard F. Dallinger, J. Chem. Educ., 93, 1305 (2016).
  • Alkyl-Functionalization of Porous Silicon via Multimode Microwave-Assisted Hydrosilylation, Jasper C. Small*, Hieu Minh Dam*, Jason L. Siegel*, Anton J. Crepinsek*, Taylor A. Neal*, Austin A. Althoff*, Nathan S. Line*, and Lon A. Porter, Jr., Polyhedron, 114, 225 (2016).
  • Active Learning and Student Engagement via 3D Printing and Design: Integrating Undergraduate Research, Service Learning, and Cross-Disciplinary Collaborations, Lon A. Porter, Jr., MRS Adv. 1, 3703 (2016).

Honors & Awards

Wabash College McLain-McTurnan-Arnold Excellence in Teaching Award - 2016

Ball Brothers Foundation Venture Fund – Independent Colleges of Indiana, Grant (BBVFG5) – 2015

American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund, Type GB Grant (44993-GB5) – 2006

Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation Start-up Award (SU-03-041) – 2003

National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship

Indiana Instrumentation Institute (III) Graduate Research Fellowship

University of Houston, Natural Sciences and Mathematics Alumni Association's Distinguished Young Alum – 2000


Honored with Wabash's top teaching honor in 2016: McLain-McTurnan-Arnold Excellence in Teaching Award

Founder and current Director of the Wabash College 3D-Printing & Fabrication Center

Porter discusses chemistry, 3D printing, super heros, and science fiction.

Dr. Porter's YouTube Channel for 3D printing, video answer keys, etc.

Feature in Wabash Magazine, Spring 2015

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