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Chemistry - 3D Printing & Fabrication at Wabash College

Wabash College 3D Printing & Fabrication Center (3D-PFC)

The Wabash College 3D Printing & Fabrication Center (3D-PFC) serves as a "MakerLab" space for the design and development of low-cost scientific instruments, models for molecular visualization, and STEM educational tools for active learning. Furthermore, service-learning projects, community-based opportunities, and global outreach initiatives provide students with a sense of social responsibility, ethical awareness, leadership, and teamwork. The Wabash College 3D Printing & Fabrication Center supports opportunities to explore exciting innovations in teaching and learning that will enhance the lives of Wabash College students and serve as a model to other liberal arts institutions.

For more information, please contact the 3D-PFC Director, Dr. Lon Porter. (Please note that Dr. Porter is on sabbatical leave during the 2023-24 academic year.)

Visit Dr. Porter's YouTube Channel for videos and upcoming CAD and 3D printing tutorials. 

(Wabash Magazine Spring 2015 Cover, Kim Johnson)


3D-PFC Publications:

1) 正规赌钱软件app-Impact Practices in Materials Science Education: Student Research Internships Leading to Pedagogical Innovation in STEM Laboratory Learning Activities, Lon A. Porter, Jr., MRS Adv. (in press).

2) Simple and Inexpensive 3D Printed Filter Fluorometer Designs: User-Friendly Instrument Models for Laboratory Learning and Outreach Activities, Lon A. Porter, Jr., Cole A. Chapman*, and Jacob A. Alaniz*, J. Chem. Educ., 94, 105 (2017).

3) Active Learning and Student Engagement via 3D Printing and Design: Integrating Undergraduate Research, Service Learning, and Cross-Disciplinary Collaborations, Lon A. Porter, Jr., MRS Advances, 2016.

4) User Friendly 3D Printed Colorimeter Models for Student Exploration of Instrument Design and Performance, Lon A. Porter, Jr., Benjamin M. Washer*, Mazin H. Hakim*, and Richard F. Dallinger, J. Chem. Educ., 2016, 93, 1305 (2016).


3D-PFC Presentations:

1) Gaining STEAM: Employing a 正规赌钱软件app 3D Printing and Fabrication Center to Bridge Digital Design and Materials Science Education in the Liberal Arts, Lon A. Porter, Jr., oral presentation, Materials Research Society (MRS) National Meeting, Boston, MA (2016).

2) 正规赌钱软件app-Impact Practices in Materials Science Education—Student Research Internships Leading to Pedagogical Innovation in STEM Laboratory Learning Activities, Lon A. Porter, Jr., poster presentation, Materials Research Society (MRS) National Meeting, Boston, MA (2016).

3) Preserving and Sharing World History via Photogrammetry and 3D Printing—An Interdisciplinary Effort Bridging Archaeology and Materials Science, Lon A. Porter, Jr. & Timothy Howe, poster presentation, Materials Research Society (MRS) National Meeting, Boston, MA (2016).

4) Instrument Design Challenges for Engaging Active Learners in the Analytical Chemistry Lab: Introducing CAD and 3D Printing into the Analytical Curriculum, Lon A. Porter, Jr., oral presentation, Biennial Conference on Chemical Education (BCCE), Greeley, CO (2016).

5) User-Friendly Digital Models for Chemical Educators: 3D Printable Resources for Student Exploration of Instrument Design and Performance, Lon A. Porter, Jr., poster presentation, Biennial Conference on Chemical Education (BCCE), Greeley, CO (2016).

6) Active Learning and Student Engagement via 3D Printing and Design: Integrating Undergraduate Research, Service Learning, and Cross-Disciplinary Collaborations, Lon A. Porter, Jr., poster presentation, Materials Research Society (MRS) National Meeting, Boston, MA (2016).

7) Gaining STEAM: Establishing a 正规赌钱软件app 3D Printing and Fabrication Center to Explore Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration and Innovation in STEM and the Liberal Arts, Lon A. Porter, Jr., oral presentation, American Chemical Society (ACS) National Meeting, San Diego, CA (2016). & Invited Sci-Mix Poster

8) 3D Printing at Wabash: Initial Efforts and New Directions in Teaching, Research, and Outreach, Lon A. Porter, Jr., oral presentation, Ides of August Faculty Symposium, Wabash College, IN (2015).


3D-PFC Collaborations:

1) Low Frequency Analysis of Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (CFRP)-Laminate Bond on Reinforced Concrete (RC) Bridges, Kenneth C. Crawford, Cole A. Chapman*, and Lon A. Porter, Jr., Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures (2016).


3D-PFC Press:

1) ICI/Ball Brothers Grant Spurs 3D Printing (Wabash College, 2015)

2) 3D Printing Fosters Lasting Connection (Wabash College, 2015)

3) Sputnik Moments (Wabash Magazine, 2015)

4) Wabash College's 3-D Printing Adds New Dimension (Lafayette Journal and Courier, 2015)

5) Wabash 3D Printing Center Among First at Liberal Arts Schools (Inside Indiana Business, 2015)

6) Wabash College 3D Printing and Fabrication Center (YouTube Clip w/ Dr. Porter, 2015)

7) ICI Announces 2015 Winners of Ball Brothers Foundation Venture Fund Grants (ICI, 2015)

8) Wabash Students 3D Print Hands for Underserved Kids (Grad Indiana, 2015)

9) 2015 BVF Grant Awardees (ICI, 2015)

10) Wabash Magazine Cover (Wabash Magazine, 2015)


The 3D-PFC gratefully acknowledges funding support from the Ball Venture Fund.

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