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Keep Learning @ Wabash

With the institutional move to online instruction in response to the COVID-19 outbreak, IT Services is committed to supporting student needs with online and remote instruction, 

Remote and Online Instruction

President Hess announced on March 13 that all Wabash courses will switch to online delivery at least through March 27.  Each faculty member will determine the best method of delivery for his or her class during this period of remote instruction.  You can expect much of this to occur in Canvas, including the use of online video streaming in some courses.  Check your Wabash email and Canvas announcements frequently for information from the College and from your professors, as things may continue to change rapidly. 

Access to 正规赌钱软件app Software

Wabash software licenses for Microsoft Office, Adobe Creative Cloud, and Mathematica provide for installation and use on student personal computers.  If you use these products for your course work, see our software page for details on downloading and installing. 

You can access additional programs, including SPSS and Stata, through our virtual computer lab (from this link, select VMWare Horizon HTML Access to run a remote desktop directly in your web browser with no additional software required).

Remote Access to Tech Resources

Nearly all our or tech resources, including Microsoft Office, Box, Wabash Self-Service, and Colleague are accessible from off campus.  One limitation: it is not possible to print to campus printers or copiers from off campus.  

Computer Labs

At this time, the Armory and Library computer labs remain open for students who remain on campus, though we encourage you to work remotely as much as possible.  


If you have returned home and live close to another college or university, you may be able to connect to their wireless network with your Wabash network credentials using eduroam.  In Indiana, schools that support eduroam include Purdue University, Indiana University, Notre Dame, Ball State, and IUPUI, as well as many of the IU/Purdue regional campuses.  To connect to WiFi from any eduroam campus, simply look for the eduroam network name and log in with your Wabash email address and password,  See the eduroam locator map for other locations across the country.

Home Internet Service

If you do not have adequate home Internet service, both Comcast and Charter are offering free service for 60 days, with some restrictions.  For more information, see:

  • Comcast Internet Essentials
  • Charter Spectrum Broadband
  • Xfinity WiFi Free For Everyone: Xfinity WiFi hotspots across the country will be available to anyone who needs them for free – including non-Xfinity Internet subscribers. For a map of Xfinity WiFi hotspots, visit Once at a hotspot, consumers should select the “xfinitywifi” network name in the list of available hotspots and then launch a browser.
  • AT&T WiFi Free for Everyone
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