Title: | Greek and Roman Science |
Course Section Number: | HIS-210-01 |
Department: | History |
Description: | Archimedes, the famous Sicilian-Greek mathematician and inventor, is said to have founded the discipline of fluid dynamics in the 3rd century BC while taking a bath. But beyond the confines of Archimedes' bathtub, the evolution of what we now think of as "science" was often a freewheeling and haphazard affair, with many fascinating detours and dead ends along the way. This course will survey ancient Greek and Roman innovations in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and math, along with their varied connections to the modern world. 正规赌钱软件app will study the earliest attempts to understand, quantify, and control the natural world of the ancient Mediterranean, tracing the origins and growth of modern "STEM" fields from Bronze Age Greece to Imperial Rome. Over Spring Break, we will travel to Spain to visit study ancient Roman aqueducts, roads, mining, metallurgy, and more. |
Credits: | 1.00 |
Start Date: | January 20, 2025 |
End Date: | May 10, 2025 |
Meeting Information: |
01/21/2025-05/08/2025 Immersion Component Tuesday, Thursday 09:45AM - 11:00AM, Detchon, Room 111
Faculty: | Gorey, Matthew |
Course Status & Cross-Listings
Cross-list Group Capacity: | 14 |
Cross-list Group Student Count: | 15 |
Calculated Course Status: | CLOSED |
Section Name/Title | Status | Dept. | Capacity |
Enrolled/ Available/ Waitlist |
Greek and Roman Science |
CLOSED | History | 14 | 4 / -- / 0 |
Greek and Roman Science |
CLOSED | Classics | 14 | 11 / -- / 0 |