Title: | Arendt |
Course Section Number: | PHI-319-01 |
Department: | Philosophy |
Description: | In her report on Adolf Eichmann's trial in Jerusalem, Arendt points to two character flaws that allow Eichmann to become the architect of the plans that resulted in the murder of six million Jews during the Second World War. First "was his almost total inability to look at anything from the other fellow's point of view," and second his "inability to think." It was these flaws that led Arendt to see in Eichmann the personification of the "banality of evil." If evil acts can be done not out of malicious intent but because of the failure to think, then each of us is much more susceptible to evil than we might want to think. In this course, we will ask how might thinking be a bulwark against evil and how might we set up our political lives to foster thinking and acting in ways that best serve the human condition. 正规赌钱软件app will read selections from Eichmann in Jerusalem, The Life of the Mind, and Between Past and Future, and the whole of The Human Condition and Lectures on Kant's Political Philosophy, as well as other essays. |
Credits: | 1.00 |
Start Date: | January 20, 2025 |
End Date: | May 10, 2025 |
Meeting Information: |
01/21/2025-05/08/2025 Lecture Tuesday, Thursday 01:10PM - 02:25PM, Center Hall, Room 300
Faculty: | Trott, Adriel |
Requisite Courses: | PHI-110, PHI-240 or PHI-242 |
Course Status & Cross-Listings
Cross-list Group Capacity: | 22 |
Cross-list Group Student Count: | 13 |
Calculated Course Status: | OPEN |
Section Name/Title | Status | Dept. | Capacity |
Enrolled/ Available/ Waitlist |
Arendt |
OPEN | Philosophy | 22 | 3 / 9 / 0 |
Arendt |
OPEN | Philosophy, Politics, Economic | 22 | 10 / 9 / 0 |