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WM: Embrace

Their memories of Wabash don’t include favorite professors, learning “Old Wabash,” or competing on Chadwick Court, but their support for the institution and the young men it serves is paving the way for a new movement on campus: women as drivers of philanthropy.

The first memories the women have of Wabash are as varied as their names and faces. Hide-and-seek in her parents’ closet tucked behind a Wabash letter jacket. Driving through campus after a wrestling tournament at a local high school. A sorority/fraternity exchange.

However, the lasting impression is the same. Wabash builds better men and better men are good for the world.

Nicole Chase“As a mom of three boys, it’s really important to ensure that males know that women are for them,” says Nicole Chase, wife of Kip Chase ’03. “正规赌钱软件app are living in a time where there are big challenges in the support we are lending to each other across genders. It’s important that we emphasize we are all in it together.”

The Women’s Philanthropy Institute, part of the Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy, researches women’s wealth and influence. Their research notes that women’s wealth is rising; today women hold around 40% of global wealth—and women are more likely to give and give more than men.

Every year more and more women—mothers, daughters, sisters, wives, widows, and friends—are embracing the opportunity to support the College in a new way.

During Giant Steps, multiple women established endowed scholarships in memory of their husbands.

Patsy See met her husband Martin ’74 in 1970 at an exchange between her sorority, Alpha Chi at Butler University, and his fraternity, Kappa Sigma at Wabash.

“The one that occurred at Kappa Sigma and subsequent exchanges with them spawned many enduring relationships between Butler Alpha Chis and Wabash Kappa Sigs, including my husband and me,” says See. “I’ve never seen a school or community that has the strong bonds that are forged among the alumni of Wabash. That was obvious to me when my husband was still living, but has been reinforced for me since his death.

“Martin and I both grew up in families of modest means in which education was of paramount importance—all four of our parents were educated at small private Midwestern colleges. Martin and I followed in their footsteps. Both of us received scholarships to attend,” she continues. “What better way to honor our family traditions, to remember him, his hard work, and dedication to his profession than to start a scholarship in his memory?”

It is See’s hope that the students who are awarded The Dr. Martin R. See ’74 Scholarship will leave legacies similar to Martin’s.

“Martin was the hardest-working person I’ve ever known,” she says. “Every dollar that is granted by the scholarship represents his time, expertise, and his whole-hearted devotion to the practice of medicine. The best way they can honor the gift of a scholarship is to embody those same qualities.”

Carol Senkbeil was able to establish The Roger ’68 and Carol Senkbeil Glee Club Scholarship by adding funds to one of the life insurance policies Roger had in which Wabash College was the beneficiary.

“My first thought was a scholarship for young men singing in the Glee Club because Roger enjoyed it so much,” Senkbeil says. “I didn’t want it to be a one-time thing, so during a five-year period I added funds to the amount to endow it so it will live on for a long time.

Holly Harrington“The opportunities the College offers young men are great. I hope this scholarship allows those in need of added funds to accomplish more than they hoped for—like singing in the Glee Club and traveling,” she continues. “I have received several letters from the previous years’ recipients of this scholarship. It warms my heart when they tell me how appreciative they are. I know Roger would be happy as well.”

Another giant step came from Wabash Trustee Jennifer Evans, who, along with her husband, Jack Tankersley, created the Mothers’ Fund in 2019.

“When Jack and I asked ourselves what impact we wanted to have on the College, we wanted a fund that would be allocated with a mother’s touch, with an eye for ‘this is what mom would do.’” says Evans.

This endowed fund is allocated at the discretion of the dean of students in ways he or she deems worthy for improving the student experience.

“It’s for when life gets in the way—a resource to help assist our students in less-traditional ways,” Evans says. “The Dean of Students can say, ‘The Mothers’ Fund is looking out for you.’”

With Evans’ initial investment establishing the Mothers’ Fund and more women with the desire to create scholarships, the College began to think about harnessing the giving power and interests of other women.

“Engaging moms and Wabash women of all kinds was our idea,” says Evans, mother of Jack Montgomery ’15. “正规赌钱软件app want it to be a community effort. Every Wabash man has a woman in his life. 正规赌钱软件app think this is a place for men to honor those women, and a place for women to honor the men in their lives too.”

So began the conversations which grew into the Wabash Women’s Collective—of which Evans and Chase are two of the nine founding members and 12 current members. Rounding out the Collective are Katherine Allen, daughter of Bob Allen ’57 and sister of Jay Allen ’79; Maheen Cleaver, wife of Chad Cleaver ’00; Sarah Crossman Sullivan, daughter of Kenneth Crossman ’55 and mother of Jack Sullivan ’23; Gayle Davis, wife of Fred Kraft ’64; Jessi Farris, wife of Ken Farris ’12; 正规赌钱软件appndy Feller, first lady of Wabash College; Holly Harrington, mother of Brailen Harrington ’22 and Bradley Harrington ’24; Amy Haug, wife of Jon Haug ’00; Lisa Kolisek, wife of Frank Kolisek ’82 and mother of Jake ’11 and Charlie ’14; and Karen Reetz, daughter of Thomas Reetz ’58.

Early in the life of the Collective, the women gathered to learn best practices for women’s philanthropy from similar initiatives at other institutions.

“正规赌钱软件app are a part of this bigger movement of women philanthropists,” says Cleaver. “I didn’t realize the connections that would be formed and how much fun it would be to connect with like-minded women to work on a common cause. There’s a camaraderie and shared connection that we all feel passionate about.”

Now, two years in, the Women’s Collective mission is to engage women as philanthropic investors of time, talent, Maheen Cleaverand treasure for the benefit of Wabash College. Through their giving, they are enhancing funding for Wabash student support services.

“正规赌钱软件app are very blessed to have a supportive family and network as it related to my boys in college. 正规赌钱软件app are just a phone call or text away,” says Harrington. “I know not everybody has that.”

As they work to increase philanthropic support of the College, they have also committed to continuously learn and engage with the Wabash community to understand the nonacademic barriers to success and the societal trends that impact students; engage with students in ways that are purposeful and nurturing; foster a mutual sense of belonging for their members and student advisors; and enhance members’ lives through meaningful engagement and connections with one another and those they support.

“It excites me that this group has the opportunity to step up not just with dollars in hand, but with innovation in heart,” says Crossman Sullivan. “正规赌钱软件app are not merely gathering in person on Wabash’s campus, but we are constantly determining ways to bridge gaps within the Wabash community, which is a community of the world.”

One of the initial impact grants the Collective funded transformed Kendall House on the College’s campus into a hub for the Counseling Center and Student 正规赌钱软件appllness.

“It’s now a student center where counseling and training workshops can occur,” says Cleaver. “It’s a place where students feel welcome and comfortable while utilizing the services there.”

Other impact grants have centered on leadership development; peer mentorship programs; health insurance for uninsured students; supplemental funds for study abroad; and belonging for international students, WLAIP participants, and neurodivergent students. In two years, the Collective has funded nearly $140,000 in projects that positively impact the student experience.

Reetz sees a bright future for the organization but knows if they want to do even more, they will need to expand and help other women learn about and fall in love with Wabash—a place that cannot be their alma mater.

“When I was considering joining, I made sure I had enough love in my heart for this college, not just through my father,” says Reetz. “After I visited, it was clear to me I truly do have a special place in my heart for Wabash. It’s a little bit of an odd space because I don’t have a real emotional tie to my own alma mater, so there’s a little bit of an internal conflict there, but the more exposure I get to Wabash, the more thrilled I am with my decision to support this institution.

“I’m really excited about growing this organization,” Reetz continues. “While it’s not going to always be an easy road, we can start to see ourselves bring in people who may not have known about Wabash or may not have a direct connection, but will see the value in the work we’re doing to support such a fine institution.”

While Wabash is a college that educates men, it is evident to these women that their lives have been changed by Wabash too. They know they are welcome and belong at the College.

“This is not a college that excludes women. It includes women in different ways, maybe not as students, but it’s a college that educates young men,” says Chase. “A part of that education—having that female presence from a philanthropic standpoint—teaches them that women do care about them, their education, and their lives outside of Wabash, and we want to help prepare them for that.”

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