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Fellowships For International Students

With special thanks to Ngoc Dang (right) for his substantial contributions to the Fellowships 正规赌钱软件appbsite

The following document - initially compiled by the National Association of Fellowship Advisors and updated for Wabash in July 2016 - contains information about a vast array of fellowships and scholarships which are open to non-U.S. students.  They range from the highly specific (in terms of student's home country or area of study) to much more wide open opportunities, such as the Gates-Cambridge, Oxford Clarendon, Schwarzman and Rhodes Scholarships, and the Carnegie Junior Fellows Program. 

International Students Scholarship Opportunities

Also check out featured fellowship opportunities for international students below:

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Echoing Green Fellowships

Echoing Green


Through their work with nearly 700 Fellows, Echoing Green has developed a standard rubric and clearly defined building blocks for approaching and measuring support. They have also identified the need for any standardization to be flexible enough to accommodate the unique set of challenges of each individual Fellow and their innovative approaches, often unproven models, and distinct and disparate regions of impact.

Each new Fellow is matched with an Echoing Green portfolio manager who will support them in creating a plan for achieving the following universal goals:
Raising money in appropriate amounts for their stage and size of need.
Operating according to clear, written short-term plans and goals.
Internalizing a philosophy of regular measurement against a documented theory of change.
Remaining committed to working on their issue and/or organization, at a high level of passion and energy, beyond the first two years of their Fellowship.
Identifying and mapping solutions for two to three additional areas that may only be relevant to that particular Fellow at that time, such as hiring an executive team or building a thought leadership capacity.

Deadline Information


Eligibility Requirements

Applicants must be 18 years of age, fluent in English and able to provide at least 35 hours/week to their organization.
The organization must be an original idea of the applicant, in its start-up phase and independent and autonomous. Organizations may be non-profit, for-profit, or hybrid.
Applicants of all nationalities, working in any country, are eligible, so long as the applicant speaks English fluently.
Candidates for the Black Male Achievement Fellowship need not be Black, but the organization must focus on issues affecting Black men and boys.


Please consult the "apply" section of the Echoing Green website for sample application, worksheet and help guide:
The page also includes detailed information about selection criteria, which includes Purpose/Passion, Resilience, Leadership, Ability to Attract Resources, Innovation, Importance, Potential for Big & Bold Impact, and A Good Business Model.

Echoing Green logo

Compensation: Up to $80,000 for individuals, $90,000 for partnerships
Location: Anywhere in the world
Duration: One year
Eligible Students:Those over 18 who can commit 35 hours/week to their organization
Academic Areas:Health, Education, Law, Sociology, Political Science, Biology, Climate, Environment, Law, Gender Studies
Areas Of Interest: Social change, climate control, health access, povery alleviation, gender equity, racial equity, Black male support, environment, education, economic development, justice and human rights


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