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Fellowships For International Students

With special thanks to Ngoc Dang (right) for his substantial contributions to the Fellowships 正规赌钱软件appbsite

The following document - initially compiled by the National Association of Fellowship Advisors and updated for Wabash in July 2016 - contains information about a vast array of fellowships and scholarships which are open to non-U.S. students.  They range from the highly specific (in terms of student's home country or area of study) to much more wide open opportunities, such as the Gates-Cambridge, Oxford Clarendon, Schwarzman and Rhodes Scholarships, and the Carnegie Junior Fellows Program. 

International Students Scholarship Opportunities

Also check out featured fellowship opportunities for international students below:

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Rhodes Scholarship (non-US applicants)

Rhodes Trust


The oldest and most celebrated international fellowship in the world, the Rhodes Scholarship offers 32 awards annually to US applicants. The fellowship competition is now also fully global by virtue of its additional national and regional constituencies and its two open Global Awards. Rhodes Scholars are chosen not only for their outstanding scholarly achievements, but for their character, commitment to others and to the common good, and for their potential for leadership in whatever domains their careers may lead. The scholarship offers recipients 2 years of academic study at the University of Oxford.

Deadline Information

Consult page for individual country

Eligibility Requirements

Consult individual country page for more details.


Consult individual country page for more details.

Location: Oxford, UK
Duration: 2 Years
Eligible Students:
Academic Areas:
Areas Of Interest:


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