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Fellowships For International Students

With special thanks to Ngoc Dang (right) for his substantial contributions to the Fellowships 正规赌钱软件appbsite

The following document - initially compiled by the National Association of Fellowship Advisors and updated for Wabash in July 2016 - contains information about a vast array of fellowships and scholarships which are open to non-U.S. students.  They range from the highly specific (in terms of student's home country or area of study) to much more wide open opportunities, such as the Gates-Cambridge, Oxford Clarendon, Schwarzman and Rhodes Scholarships, and the Carnegie Junior Fellows Program. 

International Students Scholarship Opportunities

Also check out featured fellowship opportunities for international students below:

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Schwarzman Scholarship

Schwarzman Scholars


Schwarzman Scholars receive a world-class education through interactions with foreign ministers, political leaders, cultural luminaries and entrepreneurs.

Deadline Information

Mid-September (Late May for Chinese Applicants)

Schwarzman Scholars logo

Compensation: Tuition, fees, airfare, accommodations, monthly stipend, laptop, and more
Location: Beijing, China
Duration: One Year
Eligible Students:
Academic Areas:
Areas Of Interest:


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